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定制 加拿大的工艺



和我一起摆脱游戏电子的最大好处之一 联合木材公司 我们的重点是定制家具吗.

If you're having a tough time trying to find the right piece to suit your space 和 style, you’ve come to the right place because made-to-measure wood furniture is what we’re known for.


This term is thrown around a lot but it’s not always applied accurately. 的字典定义 定制就是。”按个人规格制造.” 换句话说,它是独一无二的. 

Sometimes companies tell you to ‘customize’ furniture by choosing from 2-3 colours or sizes. 但这和我们在联木公司所做的不一样.

Here custom furniture means each piece of furniture built in our Vancouver workshop is 定制: We design 和 build the piece specifically for the person or project that ordered it. There is no warehouse of pre-made furniture  和 no middlemen involved.



第一,你可以从现有的设计开始 我们的家具收藏 并改变它的大小,高度,木材,桌面形状等. 以满足您的特定需求.

例如, the image below shows the same initial table design custom-built to suit different projects.



两个, we can develop 和 build furniture designs brought to us by clients such as interior designers, 架构师, 或者你自己. 我们才华横溢的团队热爱这些项目! We'll work up a furniture design guided by your requirements, or it can be a collaborative effort. 查看我们的 cMG摆脱网站项目库 看一些例子.

总的来说,我们想使订货过程为 尽可能简单.

下面我们结合了我们丰富的建筑经验, 我们创造优质家具的动力, 以及我们对客户服务的奉献, 为了创建这个定制家具订购指南.



步骤1. 咨询

Talk to us about your project either through a video consultation, 电子邮件, 电话或面谈.  

使用简单的绘图, 测量和/或参考图像, 我们将深入探讨包括范围在内的细节, 预算, 交货的细节, 材料, 具体的截止日期, 维, 和 any other specifications that may be relevant to your project.



咨询是我们最需要你帮助的时候. 做好准备 will make all the difference in receiving exactly what you want. 我们建议您与我们分享的内容包括:

  • 你的空间图片
  • Dimensioned floor plan (either professionally drawn up by a designer/architect or h和-drawn)
  • 家具的预期用途(例如. “I'm furnishing a break room for 200 people with communal 和 private seating.或者“我们举办8-10人的晚宴。.”)
  • 所需物品的数量(如. “我们这间办公室需要10台摆脱游戏电子站.”)
  • 设计思路-浏览我们的 家具收藏, MG摆脱网站页面, 材料,Instagram 寻找灵感,了解我们的风格
  • 灵感图片来自 Pinterest, Instagram, 杂志, 或者你的画(别担心, 即使是一个粗略的草图也会帮助你的想法被理解!)

克雷格的专业建议 : We can make your office furniture as functional as possible for your power or data requirements with our selection of electronic accessories.


2 .求婚 

We submit a firm pricing structure for your custom furniture project for your review. This proposal may also include conceptual drawings for discussion purposes. 

The pricing will include a fixed price for the construction of your project as discussed 和 applicable taxes. The delivery 和 installation costs may either be included or billed afterwards. 

This is the time to address value engineering (reducing costs to increase functionality & 价值)来确保我们是 在你的预算之内; or assess other fine details such as electrical specifications or 维. 

This step is about working together in order to meet your 预算 和 design expectations. 




After you approve the pricing 和 furniture design concept, we require a 50%的定金. 

Payment can be made by credit card (includes a service charge), cheque, wire or e-transfer. 

Upon receipt of payment we'll get to work producing a set of final shop drawings for your approval. Your project 和 lead time will not begin until you have signed off on these final shop drawings. 

Any changes made after approval of the final shop drawings will affect your project’s lead time 和 pricing.


4 .制作

Upon approval, your made-to-order furniture request is entered into our production queue. 

我们按先到先得的原则生产家具. 我们的典型交货时间是 8-12周 but can vary depending on your project scope, size, or other details. 请 inquire as to current lead times, or we’ll inform you during our consultation. 

这就是联合木材公司的乐趣所在! 在生产过程中, our team of skilled 和 certified craftspeople will build your furniture with great attention to detail. 我们的生产团队包括工业设计师, 红章认证和学徒, 生产经理, 红印章认证焊工, 以及轮换监督犬类.




As your custom furniture project nears the finish line we’ll contact you to make the final arrangements. 

Upon completion of your order, we require the final payment before we arrange 航运 details. Payment can be made by credit card (includes a service charge), cheque, wire or e-transfers. 

一旦我们收到你的订制件的最后一笔付款, 我们将按你方要求的目的地安排交货日期. 取决于你的位置和项目规模, 您的物品将与毛毯一起包装, 装箱, 或包装为全卡车运输.




取决于你的位置, either a team from 联合木材公司 or a local delivery/installation partner will h和le the final mile 和 finishing touches. 我们提供各种级别的交付和安装,请参阅我们的 航运 & 运费页面 有关详细信息,. 

如果你在温哥华地区,欢迎你来我们的 东温哥华摆脱游戏电子坊 用于预定的店内检查. 

请 be aware that if you’re unable to pay when your order is complete, storage of your item(s) over 14 days may be charged—we don’t have a warehouse at our shop.



Think of custom-made furniture similar to a small home remodeilling project: it takes planning 和 patience. Your cabinet or table isn't coming off the shelf as ready-to-assemble flat pack furniture.

通常我们估计6-10周, which is often better than a furniture retailer who depends on overseas shipments.

Other timing considerations: Once you choose your design, size, finish, etc., a human with a very good eye for wood must select your 材料 from one of our suppliers according to your needs. There also may be a queue of other projects that our craftspeople are working on.

Either way, we'll be sure to communicate with you on the timing 和 progress of your project.


回到那个房屋改造的例子, there are too many factors involved to answer that question here but we're happy to put together a proposal for you (see step one above)!

是的, it costs more than fast furniture options because it's h和-made by professionally-trained humans - not machines - using sustainably-sourced solid wood. 通过购买定制的“慢”家具, you're supporting a local business at the same time as creating an heirloom piece of furniture that's built to last.

请按此处下载 我们订购定制家具的5个简单步骤.

摆脱游戏电子 开始你的定制家具订单. We’re always ready to help 和 looking forward to hearing about your project.

